Dr. Sylva has co-authored and contributed to 4 books:

  • Your Hidden Riches Unleashing The Power Of Ritual To Create A Life Of Meaning And Purpose – co-author
    This book will serve as your personal guide to the ‘unspoken secret’ of the world’s most accomplished and successful people: Using conscious, intentional rituals to reconnect your mind, body and emotions with your spirit so you can  achieve peak performance, maintain calm in the midst of intense pressure, and create balance in your life as you unfold your unique life’s purpose!The world of ritual can feel mysterious, this book will guide you through it so you can finally experience the energy shift you need to create flow, get in the zone, and live with unprecedented fulfillment.

    If your life isn’t exactly as you want it to be, this book is for you: Discover how simple and easy it is to tap into the power of conscious, intentional rituals!

    Click HERE to buy Your Hidden Riches

  • Health Fairs for a  Healthy Workforce – co-author
  • Wise Women Speak: 20 Ways to Turn Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones – contributor
  • Inspiration to Realization – Vol. III – contributor

Dr. Sylva has created training programs for Fortune 500 companies and has assisted in creating training programs for some of the top transformational leaders. She is available for creating and writing training programs as well as writing articles related to emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Please direct inquires to: [email protected]

For articles written by Dr. Sylva please go to the Blog