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When a sports agent has a moral revelation and is fired for his statement, he decides to test his new philosophy as an independent agent with the only athlete remaining with him and his former colleague.
Cameron Crowe Writer:
Cameron Crowe stars:
Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renee Zellweger Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) is a successful sports agent. Greatest customers, respect, a great guy, that’s all. Until one night its purpose is questioned. His place in the world, and he will finally come to terms with what’s wrong with his career and life. Jerry writes all his thoughts on the mission statement and feels he has revived. Unfortunately, his views are not enthusiastically received by his superiors, and after being unfairly deprived of his high-income customers and elite status at the agency, Jerry switches to the sports business armed with the only changeable customer Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) and the the only person who believes in his abilities, Dorothy Boyd (Renee Zellweger), with the impossible task of restoring what he once had. Along the way he is confronted with a harsh truth that he has ignored in the past and with some difficulties he has never seen before.

Jerry Maguire 1996

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Katie Mitchell è stata accettata nella scuola di cinema dei suoi sogni. Tutta la famiglia portò Katie a scuola insieme quando loro piani furono interrotti da una rivolta tecnica. Mitchell deve lavorare insieme per salvare il mondo.
Michael Rianda, Jeff Rowe (condirettore) Autore:
Michael Rianda, Jeff Rowe stelle:
Abbi Jacobson, Danny McBride, Maya Rudolph | Katie Mitchell è stata accettata nella scuola di cinema dei suoi sogni. Tutta la famiglia portò Katie a scuola insieme quando loro piani furono interrotti da una rivolta tecnica. Mitchell deve lavorare insieme per salvare il mondo.

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Ein pragmatischer Paläontologe, der einen fast vollständigen Themenpark besucht, soll ein Paar Kinder schützen, da der Mangel an Energie dazu führt, dass geklonte Dinosaurier im Park verloren gehen.
Drehbuchautoren Steven Spielberg:
Michael Crichton (Roman), Michael Crichton (Drehbuch) Dank der großen Fortschritte in der wissenschaftlichen Technologie konnte der Tycoon eine Insel voller lebender Dinosaurier erschaffen. John Hammond lud vier Personen mit seinen beiden Enkelkindern ein, sich ihm im Jurassic Park anzuschließen. Aber läuft alles nach Plan? Ein Parkangestellter versucht, Dinosaurierembryonen zu stehlen, kritische Sicherheitssysteme werden geschlossen, und jetzt wird er zu einem Wettlauf ums Überleben, und Dinosaurier bewegen sich frei auf der Insel herum.

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