Windows 10 Version 1903 (May) untouched ISO Activator scaricare

Windows 10 Version 1903 (May) untouched ISO + Activator Verified torrent

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Windows 10 versione 1903, ISO + attivatore intatto

La stessa ISO contiene le seguenti versioni di Windows 10:

Windows 10 Home

Windows 10 Home N

Sistema monolingue Windows 10 Home

Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Pro N

Windows 10 Pro per workstation

Windows 10 Pro per workstation N

Education per Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Pro Education N

Istruzione per Windows 10

Windows 10 Education N

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Windows 10 Version 1903 (May) untouched ISO + Activator

Torrent rating 16 4

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Windows Server 2019 10.0.17763.1577 AIO 12in1 (x64) Nov 2020 indir torrent

Windows Server 2019 10.0.17763.1577 AIO 12in1 (x64) Nov 2020 Verified torrent

Orijinal MSDN görüntüsünden oluşturulan bağlama.
Windows 10 ROG EDITION 7 (x64) Permanently Activated 2020 – Indir Torrent Bunlar, 10 Kasım 2020’deki yerleşik güncellemelerin yanı sıra yerleşik SmartFix ve Microsoft DaRT idi. Kozmetik değişiklikleri yoktur ve kesmez!

En önemli özellikler:

– 10 Kasım 2020’de entegre güncelleme;

– Entegre .Net Çerçevesi;

– .Net Framework’ü etkinleştirin (ve dahil);

– Entegre SmartFix, Microsoft DaRT ve;

– Sistemler gözden geçirme modunda değildi.

Kurulum için düzenleme pencerelerinin listesi mevcuttur:

Hyper-V Sunucusu 2019

Windows Server 2019 Temelleri

Windows Server 2019 Standard (Sunucu Çekirdeği kurulumu)

Windows Server 2019 Standard (GUI’li Sunucu)

Windows Server 2019 Veri Merkezi (Sunucu Çekirdeği Kurulumu)

Windows Server 2019 veri merkezi (GUI sunucusu)

Yazılım versiyonu:

Diller: İngilizce, Rusça

Tedavi: Gerekli ama yok

Sistem gereksinimleri:

İşlemci: gigahertz (GHz) veya üstü.

Boş sabit disk alanı: 25 gigabayt (GB).

Windows Server 2019 10.0.17763.1577 AIO 12in1 (x64) Nov 2020

Torrent rating 37 0

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GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows torrent

GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows Verified torrent

GIMP è un editor di piattaforme disponibile per Windows, OS X, GNU / Linux altri sistemi operativi. È un software gratuito, puoi cambiare il tuo codice sorgente distribuire le tue modifiche.

L’idoneità di GIMP per l’uso in ambienti professionali viene verificata regolarmente. viene spesso confrontato suggerito come alternativa ad Adobe Photoshop. GIMP ha caratteristiche simili a Photoshop, ma ha un’interfaccia utente diversa.

Che tu sia un grafico, un fotografo, un illustratore un ricercatore, GIMP offre strumenti sofisticati per portare a termine il tuo lavoro. Puoi aumentare ulteriormente la tua produttività con GIMP grazie a molte opzioni di personalizzazione aggiunte di terze parti.

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Gestisci foto di alta qualità

GIMP fornisce gli strumenti necessari per gestire immagini di alta qualità. Dal raggruppamento al ripristino di composizioni creative, l’unico limite è la tua immaginazione.

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Crea opere d’arte originali

GIMP offre agli artisti il ​​potere la flessibilità di trasformare le immagini in creazioni completamente uniche.

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Elementi per la progettazione grafica

GIMP viene utilizzato per produrre icone, elementi di progettazione grafica grafica per componenti dell’interfaccia utente l’imitazione.

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GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows

Torrent rating 13 2

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Grand Theft Auto IV x64 download

Grand Theft Auto IV Verified torrent

Navigation Part 4 of the Grand Theft Auto 4 game series, Grand Theft Auto IV is an interesting version of the GTA game based in Liberty City.
Grand Theft Auto IV Download According to GTA IV, developed by Rockstar Games, you have to cross city streets, steal cars, and carry out missions. With excellent graphics, captivating history, challenging missions, and more, Grand Theft Auto IV is one of the super gameplay of Grand Theft Auto IV? The gameplay of Grand Navigation, located in Liberty City or New York, moves through the streets of the capital, while recognizing famous landmarks in New York. Single-player or multiplayer games follow a third-party perspective and explore the city on foot or in stolen vehicles. One game is played from Niko Belic’s perspective, whereas in the online multiplayer version you can play as a team and compete against each other (function (() (‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); During action-adventure games This, individual players are given tasks and tasks. It can be used with firearms and moving in the seat by running, walking, jumping or hijacking vehicles and driving. Health meter monitors damage done and many regenerative tools such as nutrition, child first aid, and calling paramedics can help restore life What is the plot? This game follows former Eastern European soldier Niko Belic, who arrives in Liberty City (as a model in New York) aboard a cargo ship named Platypus. He must meet his cousin Roman to live well in America. However, Nico is trapped in the Roman world of lies and apparently running away from the crime of loan sharks and criminal activity. Nico delves deeper into the world of crime and crime. drugs and find his way to Liberty City to escape from this crime world. What are the best features of Grand Theft Auto IV? One of the best features of the game is the integration of music into the gameplay. So when Nico steals the car, radio is included, giving players the freedom to switch channels by listening to over 19 different radio stations with their own unique soundtracks and music. The songs are amazing and hear legends like Elton John, Bob Marley, The Who, Genesis and many more. Apart from songs, there are some real voice artists whose voices can be heard as radio stations. Another plus for GTA IV is the autonomy it gives players. There is a plot, but it is not linear in nature and the player has more autonomy to make choices that may not meet the basic characteristics of the game. Apart from the gameplay, the plot and the actual wallpapers are very well written and provide lots of context for what happens in the game. Like other GTA games, this one has great graphics and the settings look too real. Drama is exciting and someone is always on the edge of the chair, trying to finish the next task. What are the negative factors for GTA 4? One of the main criticisms of GTA 4 and other Grand Theft Auto games is that the story and gameplay promote driving, kidnapping and other illegal activities that can win missions and reach the end. Stories and wallpapers look too realistic and the realistic nature of play can have an impact on the real world. What are the options for Grand Theft AutoFor 4? Other GTA games are probably GTA IV’s biggest competitors because of their gameplayand similar missions, similar stories and themes, and almost the same tools needed to complete the game. Apart from GTA games, some options for GTA 4 include Watchdogs, Lego City Undercover, Sleeping Dogs, the last sentence of Grand Theft Auto IV? GTA 4 is a very interesting single or multiplayer game that matches the popularity of GTA games. Realistic setting, captivating story, exciting gameplay, and a number of challenging tasks make this game very worth playing. However, there is still more debate as to whether this game contributes to kidnapping, criminal activity, driving or whatever. Like a game without real consequences, Grand Theft Auto IV is an interesting experience and players will love it. The music of legendary singers and singers is also the main attraction for this version. I try!.

Grand Theft Auto IV

Torrent rating 21 0

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