Geekbench Pro 5 64 Bit Torrent Download
Geekbench 5 is a cross-platform reference level that measures the performance of your system at the touch of a button. How will your mobile device or tablet work in the event of a crisis? How does this compare to the latest devices on the market? Find out today with the Geekbench 5th CPU Benchmark
Geekbench 5 measures your processor’s one-way and multi-core power, for everything – from your email address to taking photos and playing music – or all at the same time. The Geekbench 5 reference processor measures performance in new application areas, including augmented reality and machine learning, so you know how close your system is to the plan.
Calculate the reference point
Test the potential of your system for gaming, image processing or video editing with Compute Benchmark. Test the power of your GPU with support for OpenCL, CUDA and Metal API. New in Geekbench 5 is support for Vulcan, the next generation API for next generation graphics and computing platforms. WinRAR x86 x64
Multi platform
Compare apples and oranges. Or apples and Samsung. Designed from a multi-platform comparison base, Geekbench 5 can compare your system performance across different devices, operating systems, and processor architectures. Geekbench 5 is compatible with Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and Linux.
Geekbench Search Engine
Upload your results to the Geekbench browser and share it with others or let the world know how fast (or slow) your devices can go! You can find all your results in one place by opening an account and finding it easily on any of your devices.
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