Windows 10 (20H2) EN-US AIO (15in1) 19042.608 x86 Torrent

Windows 10 (20H2) EN-US AIO (15in1) 19042.608 x86 Verified torrent

Title: Windows 10 (20H2) EN-US AIO (15 in 1) k86

Author: kocki077


Verification: Activation Required!

System requirements:

Processor: 1 GHz (GHz) or higher.

RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB).

Hard disk space: 20 gigabytes (GB).

Graphics Card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics software or newer.

Made from original ISO:

Updates added through October 20 only

2020. Nothing has changed or added.

The edition includes:

01. Windows 10 Home

02. Home Windows 10 N.

03. The native language of Windows 10

04. Windows 10 Pro

05. Windows 10 Pro N.

06. Education for Windows 10

07. Windows 10 Education Н.

08. Windows 10 Pro for Education

09. Windows 10 Pro for Education N.

10. Windows 10 Enterprise

11. Windows 10 Enterprise N.

12. Windows 10 Pro for Workstation

13. Windows 10 Pro for Workstation N.

14. Windows 10 Enterprise for remote sessions

15. Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

Windows 10 (20H2) EN-US AIO (15in1) 19042.608 x86

Torrent rating 38 5

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